how to make fast aion kinah when you have low level
how to make fast aion kian when you have low level
i talked to ceo about how to make fast aion kian when you have low level,he give me some useful tips on how to make good aion kinah
i am level 20 at my Asmodian now.i need a lot of kinah to buy aion armor and i need a guide to help how to get the aion gold fast.
this guide show me how to the money i also tell me the kinah making methods and the farming spot on the game.i am going to show you the best farming place i've found in game.
Go to Morheim Snow Fields, the northern area of Morheim. The mobs you'll be looking for are the Wailing Tayga, levels between 21-22. They are tiger like creatures, pretty easy to kill even if your character is level 19 or so.
just keep farming at this will make a lot of nice items.sell those items in market place.
there is another farming spot.just either grind roah for boiling bloods, mats and urges of wrath or maybe the defenders in the core for the fenris quest, ground there for an hour or two the other day and made a couple mill easy.
i do dp grind with my wife,i got a lot of 30-50 bloods, 40+ hearts, and about 4-10m kinah.if we get any aion gold,we will get more loots
Even so I can still beat these people no problem, the REAL problem is the got dang summoner bots or just bots in general (that are still summoners....since destroyer bots stay in pve on our version) that even when trapped they still can turn around and sunflower you to death. This seriously needs a FIX! It was never a problem back in 2013 because it was destroyer bots KR/TW was dealing with and it wasn't a big deal since even tho we could trap and they can still turn around to face you least they couldn't attack you with projectiles. But over here on NA/EU version people botting summoners IS A BIG DEAL since they can attack you while trapped, and the nonstop healing they push out! Deal with the sum bots first then deal with the hacks next! BOTH are killing the game but the sum bots are doing much worse than anyone thinks. We usually grind on sorc/sm i suggest you can also grind healer friend